Customer Testimonials

Here’s what some of our customers have to say:

Founder, & BottledWater

“When I need expert, creative graphic design. I contact On-Target Graphics. Jona Cole and her team are sensitive to the power of graphic communications and her work bridges all media arenas including on-line, print, and video.”

Managing Editor, VJO

“OTG is Great! On-Target Graphics provides our company with quality work, their prices are affordable and they are easy to work with. We often submit last-minute jobs and we couldn’t be happier with the fast turn around and personalized service. From small jobs to complicated projects, OTG can handle it all.”

Owners, The Film Crew, Inc.

“On-Target Graphics is not only on target, but on time. They’ve been thorough and utterly fantastic in responding to our various needs.”

SEE International

“Thank you for all your dedication to SEE International. Your work helps others to SEE. Best Wishes!”

Owner, DCTS Publishing

“I’m hippopotamusly happy and elephantly glad.”

President, USA Thinking Team

“I just got your book cover Healing Thoughts for Executives and it’s perfect. You did a wonderful job.”

Principal, Bejeweled Footwear

“On Target Graphics is a professional, modern design firm owned by Jona Cole. She is not only a creative talent but has a tremendous business sense and became a wonderful resource for our company. In fact, she is an extension of our company always bringing forth many innovative ideas. Her response time and sense of urgency are second only to her attention to detail. Her work is diverse and she is always open to a new project. Having owned her firm for over 13 years she has many valuable industry relationships which facilitates projects and makes her very competitive. On Target Graphics is the best!!”

CEO, Scitrex – Serious Sports Supplements

“On-Target helped me create my corporate ID, labels, brochure and marketing materials. Their one stop shop approach has saved me tremendous amounts of time and money while their design work has given me a leg up on my competition. On-Target Graphics’s work has been superb, and I whole heartedly recommend their services.”


“I think of you often and what a lovely job you did on my book. I am glad I did that – and Thank You!!”

© 1994 – 2024, On-Target Graphics. P.O. Box 24124, Santa Barbara, CA 93121